Looking to up your TikTok game? Or maybe your Zoom background needs a refresh? Wow your audience with these simple tips for looking great in front of the camera!


With the advent of social media and the proliferation of smartphones, filming yourself has become one of the most prominent means of communication in the modern age. This tutorial will look at some of the techniques you can use to make yourself look fantastic.



When we say formats, we are talking about the size and shape of screen your video will be played on. Every platform has its own format, so it is important to know what kind of shape screen you’ll appear on.



Lighting can really make or break a video. Too much or too little light and people won’t be able to see you, whilst certain lighting is designed to be scary and, often, you won’t want that. Soft lighting is the most flattering, and relatively easy to achieve no matter where you are.


Positioning Yourself.

Where you position yourself in the shot could be the difference between a drama and a comedy, or turn you from someone weak into someone full of authority.



Always have a think about what is behind you. We’ve all seen those news interviews during lockdown when the kids wander in during a zoom call. Does your background enhance your video, or distract from it?


Where to Look.

Who are you speaking to? Is it directly to your audience? If so, remember to look at your camera!


Need more guidance? Check out our Video Production Basics tutorial. We also offer bespoke services which can help you with your productions. Get in touch to find out more!

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